How Positive Thinking Impacts Your Brand’s Success

Turning your brand from ‘meh’  to ‘wow’  is one of the most significant challenges in the business world. You may have approached marketing gurus and read countless books and articles only to find that your business still lacks that wow factor you need to propel it forward.  What if the key to transforming your brand’s […]

7 Inspiring Brand Strategy Tips for Entrepreneur Mamas

Balancing the roles of being a mom and an entrepreneur can be both exhilarating and terrifying. Some days, you’re on top of the world—other days, you’re just struggling to hang on. Your clients are happy, and your kids are throwing tantrums, or vice versa. Raise your hand if that sounds familiar! As you climb the […]

Digital Marketing Strategy Success: Grow Your Brand & Sales

a small business owner holding an "open" sign

Do you have a digital marketing strategy for your brand? Building your brand and increasing sales might not top your list as an entrepreneur. However, this is a HUGELY missed opportunity for you to influence your target market. Do you have these misconceptions about online marketing? You’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs and small businesses fail […]

5 Steps to Build a Memorable Brand Personality for Your Small Business

A person smiling while working on a laptop is shown. The text on the image reads, "Finding Your Brand Personality" with a lightbulb icon and the logo .

Building a brand personality is similar to a creative writing assignment. Brand personalities and brand identity use personality traits that are memorable to customers. As with the best fictional characters, the best brands are easily identifiable. Think of some memorable characters from your favorite movies, TV shows, books, or video games. What makes them stand […]

4 Critical Brand Elements You Must Get Right

A business owner at her computer considering the brand elements needed by every company, as identified by WOW! Graphic Designs.

Brand elements include how your customers perceive your company, everything from logos, colors, copywriting, messaging, even down to their interactions with customer service. It is the sum of their experience with you and it shapes their opinion of you. A strong brand story shares a consistent, compelling message that resonates with your target audience and […]