Website Care Plans: The Backbone of Every Successful Website

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Your website is your greatest asset. It is the heart of your business, creating an online presence that brings in new clients and showcases what your brand has to offer. It brings visibility, engagement, and brand awareness that helps you grow and succeed as a proud and passionate business owner.

However, you can’t constantly monitor your website. It’s impossible to keep on top of running your business while also continually worrying about the potential technical issues of your site.

The solution is simple: a website care plan.

Why wait for disaster to strike when you can take a preemptive approach to avoid technical problems and get a care plan that takes the stress out of running a website?

What Is a Website Care Plan?

A website care plan is a custom website support plan built from services designed to keep your website running smoothly. These care packages include regular website maintenance, software updates, web security monitoring, scheduled backups, performance issues such as website speed, and SEO & brand reputation care. These services are essential to ensure the upkeep of the quality of your website.

Frequently Asked Questions About Website Care Plans

You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers.

From web security to what a web care plan includes, we’re here to fill in all those blank gaps, so you can move forward confident in your web care knowledge.

Why Are Website Care Plans So Important?

As a small business owner, the purpose of website is to convince new clients that your business is right for them. After investing so much effort into the design of your new site, putting your current and potential clients’ information at risk is the last thing you want to do.

The average website constantly falls victim to automated attacks looking to steal information and compromise the safety of your client’s data. We’ve heard of some horror stories from our website care plan clients who had no support services prior to signing up with us. Their website was hacked, and their visitors’ information was leaked.

It’s an unfortunate reality when entering the online business world—a web service plan can keep your website safe from these risks and improve user experience.

On the business side, monthly website service plans have many benefits.

  1. A good website is a successful website. When your website development is in top shape, your digital marketing efforts will likely attract clients to follow your call to action. You will be able to see how much traffic increases after you sign up, and this is what you want as a website owner.
  2. More time spent on business growth, less time spent worrying. You shouldn’t have to “do-it-all” when it comes to your business, and having the pressure of website maintenance and safety taken off your plate means you have more time to focus on your real passion: growing your business. You will have peace of mind knowing you have the full back up of professionals and your business is shielded from any potential negative impact.
  3. A wise investment will save you money. With a successful plan in place, your time and money spent on its creation will pay off. You also won’t have to allocate extra funds to training a staff member on the ins and outs of website security—your care plan has that covered!
  4. You’re part of a team that wants the best for you. Working with an external company on your site care means you’ll get priority support time on all the website issues you don’t know how to handle. You’ll also receive regular updates and reports on your website’s client retention and response to your content marketing.
  5. Your peace of mind comes first. Hacking attempts are no joke. You don’t want your workday interrupted by repeatedly putting out fires from security alerts and updates. A web service plan reduces your risk of attack and protects your site.

Why Your Website Needs a Care Plan and Support Services

A care plan is necessary if your business relies on recurring revenue. No matter how small and simple your website may seem, it will still require regular updates and uptime monitoring to function at its highest potential.

You’ve invested so much into website development —time, money, sweat, and tears. Why risk all that hard work by missing out on a website maintenance plan? Running updates yourself is a time-consuming and tedious process, plus your skills are best used elsewhere when it comes to the success of your business.

An outstanding care & service plan ensures that your website will continue to run at peak performance levels with no risk of going offline or suffering from broken links or low levels of security. There’s no need to worry about missed WordPress website updates or security scans—a good web service & care plan have you covered.

Infographic with the title "Why You Need a Website Care Plan". Beneath the title is a subtitle reading "A Guardrail for Your Website". The infographic features a lighter background with line and shape decorations. A bulleted list is prominently featured, with the bullets themselves featuring pointing fingers, both for emphasis on the points and for decoration. The list of bullet points, which is highlighted in purple for additional emphasis and decoration, reads "Protection from hackers and malware", "Prevent & resolve glitches, bugs, & errors", "Updates & installation of plugins", "You can focus on running your business". To the right of the bulleted list is a vector image of a literal metal road guardrail, to emphasize the protection that website care plans provide. Beneath the image and bulleted list is the website name,

Reducing Your Risk Exposure

Without a proper care system, your website is at risk of many disasters. Reducing the exposure to these risks ahead of time is the ideal solution. Here are some risks and ways to avoid them!

1. Software Incompatibility

Websites do not come with a manual for small business owners, and figuring out which software programs work for you can be difficult. Different software programs and WordPress plugins aren’t always compatible and can have detrimental effects on the quality of your website, especially when they are all being updated independently. Regular maintenance and updates prevents it from failing.

2. Faulty Repairs

You’re not perfect—sometimes, you may accidentally delete a hyperlink to some social media page or remove every blog post you’ve ever made. When this happens, you might spend hours trying to resolve the issue. But with a proper service plan, a web design agency can fix it all for you!

3. Your Website May Be Hacked

No matter how small the site, hackers are still on the prowl looking to compromise bandwidth and send spam emails. Sites that ask for financial data are also at risk of their client’s information being stolen. Outdated software is the #1 cause of website vulnerability, so reduce the risk with scheduled web maintenance.

Limitations of Hosting Company Care Plans

It is tempting to go with the website hosting company’s care plans when designing your website. These hosting companies and WordPress care plans look nice on paper. Still, much of the time won’t include custom plans that meet the needs of your specific business requirements—they won’t go above and beyond more than regular updates and monitoring.

You want a web designer who will offer you the support you need because your website is worth spending time on. Seeking an outside source to provide your web care & service plan guarantees you the time and effort you need to keep your website performing at the optimum level you’ve worked so hard for and deserve.

Infographic with the title "Why Your Hosting Company Isn't Enough Web Support". The infographic has a plain but dramatic dark purple background. Beneath the title are a pair of display boxes with lighter purple headers labeled "Marketing Team" and "Hosting Company" which contrast the services for each. The "Marketing Team" box features a bulleted list that reads "Considers your specific needs", "Offers additional web services like SEO", "Assists with troubleshooting and edits". Beneath is a large green checkmark to emphasize the listed benefits. The bullets themselves also contain checkmarks for decorative and emphasis purposes. The "Hosting Company" box features a bulleted list that reads "Generic packages", "Limited services", "Only assists with troubleshooting". Beneath is a large red "X" that emphasizes the problems listed on the bullets. The bullets themselves on this list contain "X" marks to give further emphasis and decoration. Beneath the two large information boxes is the website name

What Do Website Care Plan Clients Get?

As a passionate website owner, our team at WoW! Graphic Designs doesn’t want you worrying about the technical aspects of your website—leave that to us. We’ll take care of the behind-the-scenes work, so you can focus on running your business.

We offer custom website support plans designed to fit your business, no matter the scale. From email updates to new pages, we’ve got you covered. Our care plan pricing is also simple and made to suit any business.

Our web care & service plans:

  • Website safety & security
  • Scheduled website backups (including monthly, weekly, and daily backups)
  • Plugin updates
  • SEO & Google Analytics
  • Regular software & updates
  • Performance scans
  • Website speed
  • 24/7 support
Infographic with the title "What Does a Website Care Plan Include?" The infographic has a light background with purple corner decoration. Prominently featured is a list of points with purple icons serving as the bullets. The first bullet reads "Hosting; Your website will live on our dedicated server to guarantee uptime and eliminate a middleman". The small icon is a vector image of a computer with an internet cloud behind it. The second bullet reads "Website Maintenance; Regular backups, plugin updates, security measures, and general housekeeping". The icon for this bullet is a vector image of a screwdriver and a wrench crossing each other in an "X" shape. The third bullet reads "Content Changes; Daily, weekly, monthly...whatever your workflow, we keep your content fresh and up-to-date." The icon for this bullet is a vector image of two arrows crossing over each other to change positions. To the right of this list is a large vector image of a purple heart with a computer being held in a pair of hands. This image is to emphasize the loving management and protection that a website care plan will provide. Beneath the vector image and list is the website name,

Our team is ready and waiting to help design a custom web plan that best suits your website’s security and performance needs. Contact us today to get started!

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